Sunday, January 31, 2010


Busy as bee..... January is a busy month for all of us. We tried everthing we can to bid for a tender with the Ministry ofTourism to supply our desserts for their events. Unfortunately we unable to get it due to stiff competition. Well as everybody not in their cheerful moods, I kept busy with the daily operation to balance the checkbook. Pretty occupied these days, hardly to read an email from Prof. But ! still remembered one of his interesting remarks ....

LIFE IS A GAME. It is normal to make mistakes. The difference between success and failure os being able to learn fro our mistakes to become more discerning. If you want to hit HOMERUN, the chances of STRIKEOUT goes up dramatically. If you want to run fast, then your chances os falling also increase. The secret of success is to get up and keep going. You can do it. Once it happens, you will look back and realize that it happened at the right time for you.

Well even though we unable to secure the tender but we learn a lot from it. So we strategize for the next coming. Hopefully this time we can hit HOMERUN !

Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New Year !!!

Last night we ended 2009 and welcome the New Year and the new begining today. Scientifically the New Year can be described as the earth had completed the circle around the sun in 365 days and will start the journey again today. Opted out from all the party, I dragged Little Dragon to spend a quite time to say goodbye to 2009 by watching the Blue Moon.

Once in a Blue Moon ..... . A blue moon is the second full moon in a month. This year's eve are very rare, occuring every 19 years. The last time was 1990; the next time won't come again until 2028. I got this tips beforehand from James in the Astronomy Club.

Luckily enough the sky was so clear after the rain in the evening and we actually can see the moon with the faint blue in colour. So farewell 2009 and welcome 2010 with the new resolution.

Appreciate the present time but don't ever forget to dream of tommorow for the better.