I was like back of kid ! What are you - my angel or devil ?
Every day I would try to smile at him kindly and send him away with a polite gesture, but he wouldn't quit until he got a rise out me. And inevitably, he always got a rise out of me. I remember bursting out at him once, "Hello kid, you nasty little punk, I know what I'm doing - now go Away ! He ran away laughing. Every day, after he'd gotten me to respond, he would always run away laughing. I'd usually end up laughing, too, once he was out of sight. I dreaded this persky kid and looked forward to him in equal measure. He was my only comedic break during a really tough day.
Saint Anthony once wrote having gone into desert on silent retreat and being assaulted by all manner of visions - devils and angels, both. He said, in his solitude, he sometimes encountered devils who looked like angels, and other times he found angels who looked like devils. When asked how he could tell the difference, the saint said that you can only tell which is which by the way you feel after the creature has left your company. If you are appalled, he said, then it was a devil who had visited you. If you feel lightened, it was an angel. I think I know what that little punk was, who always got a laugh out of me.
I guess that so many people came in and out of our life. If that somebody make me want to became a better person than you are my darling Angles ....