Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tres Chic

“God, grant me the serenity to accept my salary may not extend couture. Courage to go own-brand in times of trouble, and the wisdom to always look a million dollars, even if that’s the amount I owe”

Hello sister ! skint is chic. I need to do makeover of my wardrobe. I decided to do my own brand.
Just because you’re on cut-price budget doesn’t mean you can’t wear couture. You may be strapped for cash but never let things slip appearance-wise. Nails clean, hair washed, make-up professionally applied. You should look fabulously well maintained. Image is everything. Listen, if the old budget doesn’t quite stretch to couture then don’t despair. Whether your budget screams Armani or China Town, you should still get out there and party. Just because your bank account is empty doesn’t mean your diary ever should be. There is nothing shameful in being poor. The landed gentry may be land rich but they’re cash poor thanks to generation of gambling and debauchery. You’re in very good company, believe me.

It was Oscar Wilde who said that only a fool doesn’t judge people by appearances. He was right. How we look matters. It matters for all sorts of reasons. In this world we have to wear something every day and, whatever it is, you may be sure it tells the world something about you. It signals – more quickly that a lighting strike – whether we are fun. Clever, elegant, shy, intellectual, dowdy, sloppy, showy …. You name it, dress can convey all these qualities and more.
Psychiatrists say that they can judge the psychological health of a person from how they dress – it can speak of optimism and openness, or despair and utter hopelessness. Those who don’t bother can find themselves trapped in a downward cycle of not liking the way they look, and so they take less and less trouble, and therefore they like the way they look less and less.

Let’s try to understand it in formula that Prof. gave me ….

The person can be judged 90% from their first impression.
55% is judged from the expression of the face. 38% from the sizes and the tempo of the voice, and the content of the spoken work is 7%. This is the “Law of Mehrabian”, that American psychologist Albert Merabian created in 1971. "Rule of 7-38-55" from this ratio, and the initial of "Verbal information = Verbal", "Auditory information = Vocal", and "Visual information = Visual" is taken and is said, "Law of 3V".

The content of the spoken word is merely 7% because 93% of the remainder is the face expression and the voice. Now, I have a prove not to understand to my aunty nag !

Every woman will be amazed and thrilled when the make-over has been successful. It’s good for one’s self-esteem. It helps one face the world more confidently. It’s good for the gaiety of the nation. There was – and always is – plenty of time to change, no matter what your age. And it’s worth it. Completely empirically, one observes that those who dress prettily, elegantly or glamorously have a lot more fun that those who don’t. Glamour is a great life-enhancer and there’s no need to surrender it simply because the years are rolling by. Nor does it depend on continually buying loads of new clothes. A great haircut, fabulous shoes, cute bags and jewelry (which does not have to be expensive) all can do much to add more that a touch of glamour.

I don’t think there has ever been a better time for women wanting to look their best. It takes a modicum of time and money but then doesn’t everything that is worth while?

Actually, the personal appearance and the gesture also greatly influence.
Hearing understanding the content that the other party speaks pays attention to the other party's expression and operation. As for us, the expression of the face performs the key role from the spoken word. It is possible to make oneself felt to the other party by showing the smile of one million dollars to the other party.

The person who is lucky is always keeps the smile of one million dollar, and a conferrable person in the other party as for a fresh feeling and an agreeable first impression.
Take it from here, I better start design my own dress now and paint my heel sole RED and pretend to be expensive Louboutins! Apply my cherry lipstick and practice my Darlie smile.
It's summer time and I'm LUCKY for sure !

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